Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Emergency Management and Response

You may have noticed that quite a few new cell towers have been erected over the past year throughout Iowa County. This is an explanation of why that is happening.

A number of years ago the FCC started a project that would involve the buildout of a nationwide Public Safety Broadband system. The trigger for this project was the 9/11 terrorist attack and communications issues experienced by First Responders that day and many days after.

AT&T was the only U.S. based provider that bid on the project. AT&T was awarded the $6.5 billion contract to build the system in March of 2017.

After all these years the buildout has started. The new system known as “Firstnet” is a 1st Responder only wireless network paired up with an AT&T commercial network. Most new Cell Towers erected in Iowa County over the past year are associated with this system.

This post does not endorse AT&T or even Firstnet but is meant to explain why so many towers have been constructed in the county.

The Firstnet system operates on a different radio frequency set from other commercial systems. This of course requires the purchase of a phone and/or other devices in order to access the network. The frequencies used have a shorter transmit travel distance thus requiring more towers to get coverage.

The result of this new network is a wireless system that always gives priority to First Responders and a new wireless competitor in the area for general public users. Will it replace Land Mobile Radio (LMR) technology in the future? Possibly, but for now it will be used as an alternative method of communications used to augment LMR.

First Responders and Local Officials can find more information on the Firstnet system at the web address below.

Keith Hurlbert, Director

Iowa County Emergency Management